Registered Dietitian – What I Do to Smooth The Insurance Process

Interviewer: I’m here with Lauren, a registered dietitian from Boston. Lauren, I wonder if you could explain to us a little about your practice.

Lauren: Well, I started my practice about eight months ago. And I specialize in digestive health. So I see a lot of people with irritable bowel syndrome, bacteria overgrowth, acid reflux, inflammatory bowel disease. I would say that’s about half my clients and the other half come in for weight loss and various other conditions. And I have two different offices. One in Boston and one outside of Boston. And I work with a group of therapists

Interviewer: Now you touched on it a little bit but, what are some techniques you use to get new clients?

Lauren: A lot of people find me online from websites such as and Yelp. And also just by reaching out to doctors and therapists, that’s primarily how I get people. And also from the insurance panels people find me through there.

Interviewer: And that leads to my next question, how do you market your business?

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Registered Dietitian and Personal Trainer Talks About Her Practice Experience

Interviewer: I’m here with Tracy who’s a registered dietitian, personal trainer currently working as a wellness coach in the Boston area.  Tracy, welcome.   Tracy : Thank you, thank you for having me.

Interviewer: Tracy, I wonder if you could explain a little bit about your practice?

Tracy : Sure.  I currently work as a wellness coach and what I’m doing is, I think a little more comprehensive than what I did when I was working as dietician.  When I was a dietician, I focused mostly on nutrition and exercise but I feel in the wellness coach division I get to get into a whole lot more than that.  We talk about sleep, we talk about stress, we talk about eating out, all the things that could potentially interfere with somebody reaching their goals, whatever goals they define for themselves in terms of wellness.

Interviewer: OK.  What are some of the techniques you use to get new clients?
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Jeannie Oliver, Certified Health Coach Talks About Her Practice



Jeffery:           I’m here with Jeannie Oliver, certified health coach of Jeannie Oliver Wellness. Welcome.

Jeannie:          Hi Jeffery. Thank you.

Jeffery:           Jeannie, I wonder if you could explain a little bit about your practice.

Jeannie:          Yeah, absolutely. I am a certified health coach, and I’m also a NASM certified personal trainer. I work with clients to help them improve their overall health, and I specialize in fat loss, hormone balancing, and sport’s nutrition.

Jeffery:           What are some of the techniques that you use to get new clients?

Jeannie:          You know, mostly so far, it’s been word of mouth and referrals from people that I know. But I also use social networking, and workshops, and online programs.

Jeffery:           Great. Now, how do you market your business?

Jeannie:          The workshops are definitely a big deal for me. Those are helpful. This is a pretty personal process for someone to go through. So with the workshop, they get to know me a little bit, build up some trust, and it gives me credibility, and they learn something they get to take away. So those are a big deal. I have some partnerships with local gyms and natural practice doctors that send me referrals. Then, social media is definitely a part of it. And then I have a monthly newsletter. The main ways I do it. So, networking.

Continue reading “Jeannie Oliver, Certified Health Coach Talks About Her Practice”

Carla Hernandez, Certified Nutritional Therapist

Carla Hernandez, Certified Nutritional Therapist. Wise Roots Nutrition offers individual nutrition consulting, online classes, and an abundance of resources and information to help you feel and look beautiful from the inside out!


Jeffrey Veffer: I have with me Carla Hernandez, a certified nutritional therapist from Wise Roots Nutrition. Carla, thank you for coming on the call with us.

Carla Hernandez: Thank you for having me, Jeffrey.

Jeffrey Veffer: Carla, I wondered if you could explain a little bit about your practice.

Carla Hernandez: Sure. So I have currently a private practice in San Francisco, where I see individual clients, locally and also worldwide via Skype and phone, and I specialize in skin conditions. So I see clients that are struggling with chronic skin issues, whether it be acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, anything along those issues. I obviously, you know, address it from an internal perspective.

So usually those types of issues are more for a dermatologist or an esthetician, but a lot of it is coming from within as well, and there’s not a lot of information out there in the conventional setting that explains the connection between the skin and the internal perspective. So that’s where I come in, and I figure out what’s going on, so that we can relieve those symptoms.

Jeffrey Veffer: Great. That’s really interesting, the way that you’re able to make those connections between what you eat and your exterior. So what are some of the techniques you use to get new clients?

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Minh-Hai Alex talks about her dietitian practice

Interviewer:     I have with me Minh-Hai Alex, a registered dietician from, Seattle, whose practice is called, Mindful Nutrition. Welcome Minh-Hai.


Minh-Hai:       Hi, thanks for having me.


Interviewer:     I wondered if you can explain a little bit about your dietitian practice.


Minh-Hai:       Sure. So I have a private practice mostly working with clients one-on-one. Mostly adults, and I do do some teenagers, and I guess the main focus is helping people to make peace with food and their bodies. So I help people who have disordered eating, or have a long history of dieting, and just would learn, like to learn how to enjoy food without all the food worry and shame. I see other health conditions as well, but that’s the main specialty.

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Christine Eubanks – Wellness Coach and NLP Master Practitioner

Christine’s practice is focused around creating a healthy platform for living. One of her specialties is providing nutrition coaching for energy, stress, body and life balance.

Interviewer: I’m speaking with Christine Eubanks, a NLP master practitioner, and a relationship, life, and wellness coach. Welcome, Christine.

Christine Eubanks: Thank you. It’s so nice to be here talking with you.

Interviewer: I wonder, Christine, if you could explain a little bit about your practice.

Christine Eubanks: Yes, absolutely. There’s all kinds of titles in there, aren’t there? For those who may not be familiar, NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. And the idea is that, often with coaching, people can have a really difficult time making changes in one particular area or another. They continuously hit a block at some point. And so, as a master practitioner in NLP, I help them to move effortlessly through those changes, by working with their subconscious mind to bring about change in a way that works with their whole ecology, to move in the direction of what they’re seeking.

And mostly, my practice is in helping women make sure that their current or next relationship doesn’t end up like their last one. That’s including a lot of different wellness practices and really focusing on themselves, and how they’re showing up in their relationship with themselves, in addition to others.

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Ashley Hathaway – Certified Nutritional Therapist

Ashley Hathaway is a Certified Nutritional Therapist and Certified GAPS Practitioner with a focus on overall GI health: digestion, intestinal health, gallbladder function, blood sugar regulation, liver detoxification and GAPS diet.

[Apologies for the audio quality on this piece.]


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Learn about WellClient, software to help Trainers, Nutritionists and Dietitians grow their business based on interviews with more than 100 practitioners.

What is $1,000/hr time anyway?

As I have been talking to many healthcare practitioners, the one thing that strikes me is the common theme about trying to deal with lack of time. We are all time pressed these days, but if you work in healthcare I would wager there are a whole number of other challenges to be faced.

But based on the number of conversations I have had over the past four months to help understand how to improve their practices, it has begun to emerge that top performers in the space have developed certain methods for not only coping but thriving.

One of the key exercises that they have completed is a time inventory, which helps them understand what they do with their time and what the value of that time is. I’ve heard people say that there is $10/hr time, $100/hr time, and $1,000/hr time and delegating (or removing) the $10/hr time helps them focus more on the higher value tasks in their day.

Continue reading “What is $1,000/hr time anyway?”

Jane Durst Pulkys – Holistic Nutritionist


In this interview Holistic Nutritionist Jane talks about her practice and some of the ways she manages it efficiently for growth.


Interviewer: I have with me Jane Durst Pulkys who is a practitioner in Toronto. Jane, I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about your practice?

Jane: Okay, that sounds great! My practice involves something called live blood cell analysis. I take a drop of client’s blood and then examine it underneath the microscope and make dietary and lifestyle changes for them.

I also do something called psychosomatic energetic medicine healing which is looking at the energy blocks in the body, which can dissolve these conflicts at a cellular level. I also do metabolic balance which is a weight loss program out of Germany that balances your insulin and your hormones and gives you a customized program designed specifically for you, based on 35 of your blood values.

I also do nutrition mentoring for students who have come out of a nutrition school so that they can get their businesses up and running. I also teach life blood cell analysis for anybody who’s interested in incorporating that into their personalized business. That’s a two day course. I also do just nutrition consultations for families, for children, for groups of people. Lastly, I do seminars for companies and corporations. Everything involving stress to fatty acids to any kind of topic that they’re interested in.

I also do self-esteem workshops for women and for men. I have been involved in the school board system where I go in and speak with some of the students about healthy nutrition. That’s basically what I do in a nutshell.

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Linda McCharles Talks About Her Dietitian Practice


Linda has been in practice since 1996 so she has a lot of experience to draw on when it comes to running her dietitian practice.

Jeff:                                                     I have with me Linda McCharles. And Linda’s going to tell us a little bit about her practice. Welcome, Linda.

Linda:                                                 Hi. Thank you, Jeff. I’ve been in private practice since 1996. I am a registered dietician. I would say that I run on a general practice, focusing on people that either have weight to lose, weight to gain, have digestive issues. I like to focus on diabetes, Type I and Type II diabetes, as well as cardiovascular problems. People with high cholesterol, for example.

My practice is a well-established practice, and I have to say that it’s been a very good practice. It’s a pleasure. I have a lot of nice people that I work with.

Jeff:                                                     Fantastic. So what are some of the techniques you’re using to get new clients into your practice?

Linda:                                                 Because my practice has been as well-established as it is, a lot of my new clients come from word of mouth. So whether it be from a group of doctors that I’ve built a relationship with over the years in looking after their patients, or whether it is, you know, client X who comes in and then goes and tells two of her best girlfriends that she’s seeing this new dietician that she really likes. It’s mostly through word of mouth, at this stage.

Jeff:                                                     Okay.

Linda:                                                 I do some public speaking, as well. Not as much as I used to. When I first started building my practice, I did a lot more public speaking. I did lunch and learns. And they were wonderful. You know, it’s a nice way of going out, spreading the word, getting to know people. You don’t make a lot of money at it, but it comes back in the long run, because you get a lot of new people coming to see you, and then it’s, you know, she tells a friend, who tells a friend, who tells a friend. Or it’s the wife’s husband who sees that his wife is eating differently, and she’s looking fantastic, and now he wants to jump on board, too.

Continue reading “Linda McCharles Talks About Her Dietitian Practice”